
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


1- Use a comb instead of a brush. Hairbrushes create more friction in your hair and combs create less friction.   A wide-tooth comb has teeth placed far enough apart to reduce the amount of friction. By contrast, a brush has bristles that are held close together, so electrical charges in the form of friction build up faster.
2 -  Apply a hair serum. Hair serum coats your hair with a protective layer that prevents the excessive loss of moisture. Less moisture loss means less static.   Serum works best on damp to towel-dry hair. After washing your hair and letting it partially dry, apply 3 to 5 drops to the palm of you hand. Rub your hands together to spread the serum before running your hands evenly through your hair.
    You do not need to rinse the serum out of your hair.
3 -  Keep a dryer sheet with you at all times. Dryer sheets can be a surprisingly helpful and effective tool to use against last-minute surprise static. Carry one in your purse or pocket to help tame your frizziness on the go. Rub a dryer sheet on your brush or comb before running the hair tool through your locks. Keep your combs and brushes wrapped in dryer sheets during high-static conditions and times, like in the middle of winter. Worst case scenario, you can even rub a dryer sheet over your hair to put last minute flyaways in their place.

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